Sunday, June 1, 2008

2 Flat Tires

Today we had a great worship experience and it is such a humbling experience to lead in worship. The message today was about "unbelief" and how our beliefs will be shown through our actions. It's one thing to praise the Lord in the company of his people on Sunday, but what do we do when we leave the service and have "2 flat tires?" How do we respond to the Lord then - with praise or disgust?

Well, my "2 flat tires" came in the form of what was a very scary situation after lunch. Our family had just eaten lunch out at our fav mexican restaurant and I had to get some groceries for the youth dinner tonight. After the grocery run, I am at home putting everything together, when the phone rings. Disgusted because I see "private number", I think that it's a sales call and I reluctantly answer the phone. "Mam, my name is ------- and I have your wallet." At once the color left my face and he began to explain further "I found it beside an overturned shopping cart in the grocery store parking lot. Would you like to meet me and get it?" Ofcourse, I said yes and hopped in the car going frankly a little faster than I should have, all the while thinking - will there be anything left in that wallet? Will I have time to notify all the credit and banking places in time before someone uses my cards?

I arrive to meet the gentleman, who was there with another man and they handed me the wallet. I opened it and all of my receipts and cash were gone. They said that it was laying open, and they picked up everything they could and put it back. I over and over said "thank you" and in the haste of the moment didn't get their address or phone number (it came up private when they called) and I got back in my car shaking. As I opened the wallet I was frantically going through every part of it to see what was missing. Only the receipts and a small amount of cash were gone - and that I believe was from the wind that had been quite gusty this afternoon. I was overwhelmed. All cards and checks were there. Then came the tears. I kept crying out to the Lord in thanks for sending those angels that had picked up my wallet.

Lots of things were learned today. This could be several blogs on "learning", but one in particular is when that phone rings - it may be a miracle of the Lord on the other end - so answer the phone, Jenn!

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."