Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

Father's Day. Today was a good one (I hope so for Billy) and we had a great time in worship this morning. This is Billy's 4th Father's Day and he is an excellent Dad. When we brought Brice home, Billy was involved in every part of the daily duties. He stayed up at night for the feedings, got up early for the feedings, and still is the first line of defense when those late night "cries" come from the other room.
Billy is a patient father and is a great encourager to Brice. Billy loves to wrestle and just have "boy" time with Brice. They are two peas in a pod.
There are things that a mother specializes in, but there are certain things that only a Dad can do. Brice loves riding with his Dad and singing together in the mornings. It's a great bonding time for the two of them. When Brice gets scared, he calls for Dad. I think that's pretty special. Brice feels protected and safe with Billy. Daddy doesn't let any monsters come around! Brice looks up to Billy and I can already see those signs that he wants to do whatever Daddy is doing. I am thankful for a husband who makes his family a priority. We are truly blessed. Happy Father's Day, dear :)

Father's Day. Today is also sad because I cannot be with my Dad. I did get to make a phone call and spend a few minutes catching up, but it's not the same as being face to face. I miss not being near my Dad. Like I said before, there are certain things that only a Dad can do. Today I celebrate my Dad for all the things he taught me. I celebrate my Dad for teaching me how to laugh and to never stop. I celebrate my Dad for his work ethic. I celebrate my Dad for teaching me the importance of family and making that time a priority. But most of all, I celebrate my Dad for the greatest thing he has ever done for me. It was my Dad who answered all my questions about having a relationship with the Lord and it was my Dad who knelt beside me on a Wednesday night, July 11, 1984 and let me in the prayer that changed my life. I gave my heart to the Lord that night and I am forever grateful for a father that took the time to be the example of Christ to me and introduce me to my Savior. Happy Father's Day, Dad. I love you.

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."