Monday, June 9, 2008

Grandma's On the Plane

Today Grandma had to go back home and was trying to explain to Brice, her "Number One Fan" this morning that she was getting on a plane later on. Brice was not having any of that. He kept telling her "no - - you don't get on the plane, Grandma. You stay here." Eventually, Brice left for daycare, all the while thinking that Grandma would be waiting for him when he got home.

Brice is now starting to put things together as he is growing and learning and that's great in so many ways, but it makes things tough when you have to explain "sad" topics to him - like his Grandma leaving. He will come home today, as he always does when Grandma has left and he will search every room, calling her name. He will yell for her and ask several times where she is. He will then ask if he can get on a plane (which I think is hilarious.) But then He will realize that she is gone. He will be sad and so will I. We love having Grandma around. She makes us laugh and it's especially nice for me to have someone at home while I am here. We have gotten so close and it's hard living so far away.

I think about the years I spent as a "know it all" teenager and fought with my mom all the time. I would give anything to go back and change that, but I can't and all I can do now is let her know how much I love her and cherish the times that we do have together. Billy and I moved away from our families 2 weeks after we got married (11 years ago this month) and it was tough, but we had to learn how to function and depend solely on the Lord. It's amazing to look back and see how God prepares you for the journey ahead.

God has not called us back to live near our families and sometimes I struggle with that, but I know that I would never be happy if I was not in the center of His will. His will is for me to be here and be used here right now. In His will alone is comfort, peace and joy. And that's where I want to be. Our families are respectful and supportive of our calling and we are grateful for that.

Thanks mom, for being a best friend, grandma and burning up those airways as much as you can. We love you!

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."