Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Annibersary

Well, I am really late on posting about our anniversary, or annibersary, as Brice would put it. AND, since Billy has already blogged a little, I thought I should atleast add my 2 cents, right? Always gotta have the last word :)

This year our anniversary was clouded with sickness. I have been sick for the past week and it is not getting any better. I ofcourse caught it from poor Brice, who IS, by the way, improving. Well, we do think of ourselves as a sharing family, so we just had to give it to Billy.

Saturday marked 11 years of marriage. After we finished rehearsal at the school, we went home and medicated, and really just did nothing all day. We had not made any grande plans - after all - we do have 3 celebrations in the month of June - so by the time we get to our annibersary - we a little partied out :(
However, last night we decided to go to out and I needed to get some medicine that they only have in Fort Myers - yep. That's right. Gas is so expensive, I wanted to get 2 boxes of the medicine and had to sign some waiver and let the drug store scan my license so that I would not make drugs from what I bought. I understand why they do it and I complied, but people were wondering why I had to buy that much - you know there were!

Anyhoo, some dear friends of ours gave us a gift certificate to eat at this really great restaurant in Fort Myers, so we went there while we were out. We had decided to bring Brice along since we were not going to be out too late. We had a good meal and it was pretty much the norm. Billy starts a conversation . . .Brice interrupts and changes the subject. 3 minutes later I try to continue that conversation . . .Brice interrupts with an important news bulletin about the tree on his plate. 3 more minutes. . .Billy once again attempts to go down memory lane with me in the conversation . . .Brice interrupts with an important bathroom need.
SOOOOO. We didn't really get to talk all that much, but it was a normal meal out for us and I wouldn't have it any other way.

My parents used to take us with them every anniversary . . .everywhere they went. For a long time I felt bad for them, thinking that they could have had such a much more meaningful time without us kids tagging along. Then, Brice arrives in my life and it all makes sense. Yea. We do need some adult time every now and then and enjoy time alone with each other, but one day Brice is gonna be grown up, and I will probably have to beg him to come and eat with his parents, so I better enjoy it while I can. After all, 11 years has flown by and these years don't seem to slow down any.
Happy annibersary, Love. I am thankful for the time we have had together and look forward to what God has in store for us as we continue on this journey each day.

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."