Friday, May 30, 2008

Out of Jail

Yes. That's right. I am now out of internet prison. For the past 20 months we have been connecting to the internet via satellite. We had to get satellite internet because we live in the nether regions of our beautiful state. You can't google our address. You won't get directions. That's right. It's kind of scary.
Anyway, because we were on satellite internet we were limited to our download capacity (music, photos, video, etc.) Once you go over your limit, the cyber police shut you down to a speed that is slower than dial up. Basically I can deliver messages in person by the time my internet connects to the site.
Do you know what kind of happy dancing took place when I found out DSL was available in our neighborhood?! As of today we are hooked up and there's no limits on the download capacity. FREEDOM!
Now, that seems so petty, doesn't it. What did we do before the internet? Cell phones? I have ultimately become dependent on these things for work and play and when I can't get something done, it's as if my whole world is out of kilter. Now, what if I applied that premise to my time or lack thereof with the Lord? When I don't connect as I always should. My whole world is out of kilter. Makes sense. There's no limit to the download capacity with the Lord - and He alone has set me free. Now's the time for a true happy dance :)

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."