Thursday, May 29, 2008

Like a Daughter

I had lunch with someone yesterday who has been like a daughter to me ever since I have known her. She is a special woman of God who came into my life through music ministry while she was in middle school. Little did I know when I first met her just what the Lord had planned!
"Ladee" as she is affectionately called, started playing in our worship band at my former church on the congas. Billy liked to call her "Babbaloo" (from the I Love Lucy show) and so that nickname stuck also. Ladee was not only gifted musically, but could make me laugh and I knew right away that with her talents she would make a great intern. She was hired and we served together at my former church. It was quite hilarious at times, but she kept me somewhat organized (I tend to mess things up) and revealed that she had gifts in areas I was unaware. Ladee blossomed into a great leader and set an example for her peers in not only her work, but in life. When she graduated from high school I knew she was going off to the next chapter in her life and was so proud of her for the woman of God she was continuing to become. I was also sad that she was leaving because I had become so dependent on her as an intern and to help me keep my sanity :) She has also been the BEST babysitter EVER!
After leaving for college we have kept in touch and had lunch whenever she's in town. I have been honored to know her and see just how God is shaping her life and challenging her - for her testimony challenges me. That's how we should relate to each other in Christ. We help each other grow.
Lunch yesterday with Ladee was a lot of fun. Ladee is leaving today to go and serve in another part of the country in youth missions. She is going to be used and emptied out for the Lord and it just amazes me that I have had the privilege of being a part of her life. This summer is going to be one of stretching and growth for her and I am proud of the stand that she is making for the Lord. I am also challenged in my own walk as her life and testimony speaks to my heart.
There are people that will come across our paths and they are only there for a short time because the Lord moves them on to other places. But the impact of that short time will stay with us forever. I have no idea what the Lord has in store for Ladee, but I am thankful for all that she has taught me and the example of Christ that she has been to me.

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."