Friday, May 23, 2008


There are some things about our little town that drive me nuts. For instance - you have to drive 40 minutes (and that's quite a bit over the speed limit - oops!) to get to the nearest Target, Wal-Mart, or major form of civilization. Our little town is tucked away from the east coast and the west coast in a nice, quiet little area. Even though it is uncomfortably small, there are also some really great things about it. My favorite place is our little coffee shop. It is the nicest place with the best coffee and free wifi. I know - it's the little things that get me excited. But when I am in between meetings, our coffee shop is the best place to hang out, get some work done and have some "java" in the process!
Speaking of coffee. I think I have ordered too much because now Brice is asking for a "skinny mocha" everywhere we go. DON'T WORRY! He doesn't drink coffee, he just hears me order it a lot.
Another first from my precious little monkey is that he said "I love you" when I was kissing him goodbye at the daycare the other day. Now this is not the first time he has said it, but it is the first time he said it FIRST. I always tell him "I love you" - well, a lot, actually, but he always says it after I do. This initiation on his part (even though he doesn't understand it yet) brought tears to my eyes. Cue the kleenex!
Well, I have gotta run - my coffee's ready. Ahhhhh........

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."