Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Things I NEED to Remember . . .

This whole posting thing is new for me. Why am I doing this? There are things I need to remember and I am terribly unorganized. This is a good way to put them down and let cyberspace help me keep them organized. Scary, but true.

Brice had his first "tearful movie moment" last Sunday morning and I swore that I had to mark the date down and remember it. He was watching "Free Willy 2" while we were getting ready for church and I was sitting with him, putting his shoes on when the movie hit it's tear-jerker climax. Willy had just rescued his best pal (don't remember his name, sorry) and now Willy had to go to safer waters. Willy was saying goodbye. CUE THE CRYING. Brice had tears streaming down his face when I looked at him. Immediately I began crying - because ofcourse I felt his pain and it really doesn't take much to make me cry. Everyone who knows me, knows that.

Anyway, Brice looks at me and asks me "Mommy, why did Willy leave? Will Willy come back?" Cue the tears. Get the Kleenex. I tried to explain as simple as I could that Willy had to go to a place where he would be safe and that maybe one day he could come back. Cue Billy's entrance. Brice sees Billy and runs out of the room. He was embarrassed that His dad saw him crying. WOW. I so didn't see that coming. After some time of comfort and hugs, Brice was okay and we determined that it was best for us not to see "Willy" for awhile.

Brice will be 3 in June and he's growing so fast I can't believe it. He's understanding more and more now and that's quite overwhelming for me, but exciting at the same time. We have no idea what's around the bend, but we know WHO is guiding us around that bend and I am thankful for each step of the way.

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."