Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Yes . . .he said it.

Tonight Billy, Brice and I went out for dinner after church and there was only one other couple in the restaurant besides us - at a table across from us.

So we are sitting at the table and looking at the menus. The other couple were finishing their meal. Both of them were older and the lady had long black hair and a patch over her eye. I didn't see it coming. I should have . . .but I didn't.

All of a sudden . . .Brice yells, "LOOK MOMMY -- A PIRATE!" "A PIRATE!" "RIGHT THERE - - A PIRATE!" Now, Billy and I both have a warped sense of humor and as soon as Brice said it I wanted to burst into laughter because he was so innnocent, and yet correct in his observation. That poor lady did look like a pirate to him and he wasn't meaning anything bad. He likes pirates. Argh.

Billy and I were completely embarrased and tried to calm him down and get him to understand that she was not a pirate and he shouldn't say those things. He didn't understand and began to point out even louder "BUT SHE IS A PIRATE, MOMMY!

Billy then escorted Brice from the table and took him for a walk, so that Mrs. Pirate could finish her meal in peace and not be hounded by a 3 year old who was next going to start yelling "ARGH, MATEY!"
So, we have now reached a new phase in our family. There is no mute button. Brice is going to see things that we don't and he has no problem sharing them with the world. Oh the things we will hear...

1 comment:

Kendra Haneline said...

Chandler's the "honest" one of my least when he was smaller. He once told one of Corby's new co-workers that he was fat & asked if he had a baby in his belly. This man is rather larger, but still, it makes you want to dart behind a big wall & say "who's kid is that?" He also told a man one time that he had a really big nose with bumpy things all over it. Fortunately, he was pretty little, there was a big crowd, it was kind of loud & the man didn't understand him. We just smiled & shook his hand and he kept walking.

Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."