Tuesday, August 26, 2008

There's a bully amongst us . . .

We recently added 3 new members to our family. Nighty, Spidey and Idey. 3 Tiger Barb goldfish and a cute little Sesame Street Aquarium water house for their enjoyment. Everything was going fine until we started noticing the smallest of the fish, who is the only one that is orange (the other 2 were tiger stripes) was taking most of the food. On Sunday morning, Billy came and let me know that "we had a floater." I was really sad because it was about that time of the morning where Brice would feed them and we were going to have to address this before we left for church. One of the tiger stripes, Nighty, had died.

We did the best we could and Brice did not see the removal or "flush." But he sure did have lots of questions. And he's only 3 so he doesn't understand what happened. He says that "Nighty" is swimming with Nemo (from the movie) in the big pool in heaven. Ofcourse, Billy and I concur.

Tonight as we were finishing dinner, Billy says, "I think we have a problem - - -Spidey's not acting right and I think Idey might be a bully." This made me think back to several times when I walked by the tank over the past couple of days and saw Idey chasing Spidey and "pushing" him a couple of times. Is it possible we have a hitman goldfish amongst us?!

I could not watch Spidey suffer and so later this evening, when Billy came in, he sent Spidey to his final resting place (ofcourse the big pool in heaven with Nemo and Nighty.) Brice does not know yet and I don't look forward to the sad face he will have in the morning when he wakes up to go and feed his fish.

Billy mentioned that maybe I should go to the pet store and get another fish, but I am hesitant if we have a hitman still in the tank. No fish may be safe in this house with "Idey" still around. This gives a whole new meaning to "swimmin' with the fishes . . ."

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."