Sunday, August 31, 2008

Deeper Level

This week our worship team (all 20 of us!) are beginning a study together from the book "Deeper Level," by Israel Houghton. I am excited about this study and how we are going to be challenged to dive deeper in our relationship with the Lord and focused as a leadership team.

I think about how this team has come together over the past year and 1/2 and I praise God for how His timinig is perfect and how each person has come to serve and brought their own unique style and personality to this family of believers.
Looking back on the start of Healing Waters, I had no idea how God was going to put this team together and who would be a part.


I learn a little bit more about that word daily. OH how I am thankful he doesn't let us see the big picture like He does. God knows exactly how much we can handle at a time. Stepping out in faith meant saying goodbye to all that was familiar and comfortable. In return He has blessed my life beyond compare and the freedom that comes with obedience is indescribable.

So as a team, we begin this season by setting ourselves apart and fasting from certain things in our daily lives to go deeper with God and consecrate ourselves for His purpose in our lives and in our church.

"I will search for You and I will find You with all my heart . . ."

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."