Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day to Remember

This past weekend was a great one. We had some good family time and decided to purchase Brice's birthday gift while we were out on Saturday doing some shopping. He has wanted a "ride-on" battery powered vehicle and so we thought we would try to find one that didn't require a regular "car payment" to purchase. We went to ToysRus and I was shocked to find out how much these little vehicles cost! Who wants to pay $300 for a ride on car? Ouch. However, at the very end of the little people vehicle line-up, there was the cutest and yet rather large fire engine that was on clearance. EXCELLENT! It had the same size battery and speed as the other higher priced ones, but THIS one had a working water hose!!! We will probably regret that later. So, we purchased it, but didn't have the truck with us to haul it.

Trip #2 was on Monday to pick up the fire engine, while not letting Brice see it (he was in the truck with us :) So, the wonderful people at ToysRus loaded the large box item into our truck and we were on our merry way. We had not really taken time to remember the significance of Memorial day, except for the time that was set aside in our service on Sunday. I was completely taken back when out of the blue on the way home Brice starts reciting the Pledge of Allegiance! I did not know that he knew it and once he recited the pledge in it's entirety, Billy and I looked at each other in amazement. Brice had brought the day back into the right perspective for us. Amazing how children do that. My son was so proud of himself for saying it out loud. Little did he know that the Lord used his new found learning to strike the chords of his parents hearts in remembrance for those that have given their lives for our freedom. Brice just kept repeating the last phrase "and liberty and justice for all." I am thankful for my country and for the freedom I have to serve and worship the God of all creation. What a blessing.

1 comment:

Kendra Haneline said...

My oldest son, Chandler, has wanted that fire truck since they came out with it. Regardless of the fact that he's been too big for it since then.. he just turned 8 on Sat. Hope Brice has fun with it. I'm sure he will!

Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."