Sunday, January 4, 2009

Medicine Man

This weekend I have been dealing with some major mouth pain. Not sure what the issue is yet....could be an exposed nerve....could be the need for a root canal....could be previous jaw surgery issues....could be an alien trying to get out of my back molar....who knows. All I DO KNOW is that the pain involved will not calm down with any over the counter medication. And yes, Billy has made a trip to the local liquor store and that has helped a little....not so much with the pain....just forgetting about it...HAHA!

So we were on our way to church this morning and in the midst of this shooting pain up the side of my head, Brice announces that he wants to tell a story. This ought to be good, I thought. What I didn't know was that he would make me laugh so hard I would forget how much pain I was medicine ever. So I wanted to document this little story and hope that it will give you a laugh too. I tried to keep it as close to his exact wording as possible, but I had to add my commentary in italics:

"Once there was a mountain and Jesus was going to the mountain. There was a BIG river and Jesus was looking at the river. Then Jesus kicked a big rock. He burned his foot when he kicked the big rock (now that's power!). Then a BIG snowball hit Jesus in the neck. Who hit Jesus? It was Goliva (this is Brice's pronunciation of Goliath). Then Jesus threw a snowball at Goliva (who needs a slingshot?!) and they made a snowman. But the snowman fell in the river and Jesus had to go get him and fix him again. Then they lived ever-ever after. The end."

I was laughing so hard I was was Billy. I forgot all about my pain and just wanted to hug Brice for making me laugh so hard and telling such a great story. Laughter truly is the best medicine. I'll try to remember that when the dentist is drilling tomorrow :O

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."