Friday, May 30, 2008

Out of Jail

Yes. That's right. I am now out of internet prison. For the past 20 months we have been connecting to the internet via satellite. We had to get satellite internet because we live in the nether regions of our beautiful state. You can't google our address. You won't get directions. That's right. It's kind of scary.
Anyway, because we were on satellite internet we were limited to our download capacity (music, photos, video, etc.) Once you go over your limit, the cyber police shut you down to a speed that is slower than dial up. Basically I can deliver messages in person by the time my internet connects to the site.
Do you know what kind of happy dancing took place when I found out DSL was available in our neighborhood?! As of today we are hooked up and there's no limits on the download capacity. FREEDOM!
Now, that seems so petty, doesn't it. What did we do before the internet? Cell phones? I have ultimately become dependent on these things for work and play and when I can't get something done, it's as if my whole world is out of kilter. Now, what if I applied that premise to my time or lack thereof with the Lord? When I don't connect as I always should. My whole world is out of kilter. Makes sense. There's no limit to the download capacity with the Lord - and He alone has set me free. Now's the time for a true happy dance :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Like a Daughter

I had lunch with someone yesterday who has been like a daughter to me ever since I have known her. She is a special woman of God who came into my life through music ministry while she was in middle school. Little did I know when I first met her just what the Lord had planned!
"Ladee" as she is affectionately called, started playing in our worship band at my former church on the congas. Billy liked to call her "Babbaloo" (from the I Love Lucy show) and so that nickname stuck also. Ladee was not only gifted musically, but could make me laugh and I knew right away that with her talents she would make a great intern. She was hired and we served together at my former church. It was quite hilarious at times, but she kept me somewhat organized (I tend to mess things up) and revealed that she had gifts in areas I was unaware. Ladee blossomed into a great leader and set an example for her peers in not only her work, but in life. When she graduated from high school I knew she was going off to the next chapter in her life and was so proud of her for the woman of God she was continuing to become. I was also sad that she was leaving because I had become so dependent on her as an intern and to help me keep my sanity :) She has also been the BEST babysitter EVER!
After leaving for college we have kept in touch and had lunch whenever she's in town. I have been honored to know her and see just how God is shaping her life and challenging her - for her testimony challenges me. That's how we should relate to each other in Christ. We help each other grow.
Lunch yesterday with Ladee was a lot of fun. Ladee is leaving today to go and serve in another part of the country in youth missions. She is going to be used and emptied out for the Lord and it just amazes me that I have had the privilege of being a part of her life. This summer is going to be one of stretching and growth for her and I am proud of the stand that she is making for the Lord. I am also challenged in my own walk as her life and testimony speaks to my heart.
There are people that will come across our paths and they are only there for a short time because the Lord moves them on to other places. But the impact of that short time will stay with us forever. I have no idea what the Lord has in store for Ladee, but I am thankful for all that she has taught me and the example of Christ that she has been to me.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day to Remember

This past weekend was a great one. We had some good family time and decided to purchase Brice's birthday gift while we were out on Saturday doing some shopping. He has wanted a "ride-on" battery powered vehicle and so we thought we would try to find one that didn't require a regular "car payment" to purchase. We went to ToysRus and I was shocked to find out how much these little vehicles cost! Who wants to pay $300 for a ride on car? Ouch. However, at the very end of the little people vehicle line-up, there was the cutest and yet rather large fire engine that was on clearance. EXCELLENT! It had the same size battery and speed as the other higher priced ones, but THIS one had a working water hose!!! We will probably regret that later. So, we purchased it, but didn't have the truck with us to haul it.

Trip #2 was on Monday to pick up the fire engine, while not letting Brice see it (he was in the truck with us :) So, the wonderful people at ToysRus loaded the large box item into our truck and we were on our merry way. We had not really taken time to remember the significance of Memorial day, except for the time that was set aside in our service on Sunday. I was completely taken back when out of the blue on the way home Brice starts reciting the Pledge of Allegiance! I did not know that he knew it and once he recited the pledge in it's entirety, Billy and I looked at each other in amazement. Brice had brought the day back into the right perspective for us. Amazing how children do that. My son was so proud of himself for saying it out loud. Little did he know that the Lord used his new found learning to strike the chords of his parents hearts in remembrance for those that have given their lives for our freedom. Brice just kept repeating the last phrase "and liberty and justice for all." I am thankful for my country and for the freedom I have to serve and worship the God of all creation. What a blessing.

Friday, May 23, 2008


There are some things about our little town that drive me nuts. For instance - you have to drive 40 minutes (and that's quite a bit over the speed limit - oops!) to get to the nearest Target, Wal-Mart, or major form of civilization. Our little town is tucked away from the east coast and the west coast in a nice, quiet little area. Even though it is uncomfortably small, there are also some really great things about it. My favorite place is our little coffee shop. It is the nicest place with the best coffee and free wifi. I know - it's the little things that get me excited. But when I am in between meetings, our coffee shop is the best place to hang out, get some work done and have some "java" in the process!
Speaking of coffee. I think I have ordered too much because now Brice is asking for a "skinny mocha" everywhere we go. DON'T WORRY! He doesn't drink coffee, he just hears me order it a lot.
Another first from my precious little monkey is that he said "I love you" when I was kissing him goodbye at the daycare the other day. Now this is not the first time he has said it, but it is the first time he said it FIRST. I always tell him "I love you" - well, a lot, actually, but he always says it after I do. This initiation on his part (even though he doesn't understand it yet) brought tears to my eyes. Cue the kleenex!
Well, I have gotta run - my coffee's ready. Ahhhhh........

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Things I NEED to Remember . . .

This whole posting thing is new for me. Why am I doing this? There are things I need to remember and I am terribly unorganized. This is a good way to put them down and let cyberspace help me keep them organized. Scary, but true.

Brice had his first "tearful movie moment" last Sunday morning and I swore that I had to mark the date down and remember it. He was watching "Free Willy 2" while we were getting ready for church and I was sitting with him, putting his shoes on when the movie hit it's tear-jerker climax. Willy had just rescued his best pal (don't remember his name, sorry) and now Willy had to go to safer waters. Willy was saying goodbye. CUE THE CRYING. Brice had tears streaming down his face when I looked at him. Immediately I began crying - because ofcourse I felt his pain and it really doesn't take much to make me cry. Everyone who knows me, knows that.

Anyway, Brice looks at me and asks me "Mommy, why did Willy leave? Will Willy come back?" Cue the tears. Get the Kleenex. I tried to explain as simple as I could that Willy had to go to a place where he would be safe and that maybe one day he could come back. Cue Billy's entrance. Brice sees Billy and runs out of the room. He was embarrassed that His dad saw him crying. WOW. I so didn't see that coming. After some time of comfort and hugs, Brice was okay and we determined that it was best for us not to see "Willy" for awhile.

Brice will be 3 in June and he's growing so fast I can't believe it. He's understanding more and more now and that's quite overwhelming for me, but exciting at the same time. We have no idea what's around the bend, but we know WHO is guiding us around that bend and I am thankful for each step of the way.

Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."