Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lost in Translation

Our worship team is constantly learning new songs and so is Brice, by proxy. He gets to hear the new song lots of times on the way to daycare in the mornings, and other times in the car. So it doesn't take long for him to catch onto the songs and start singing along. He loves music and he loves our worship band. I think he already wants to be like our 2 fantastic drummers, and it won't be long before they start teaching him.

So in the past 2 weeks our team has been learning "Prepare Ye the Way" off the new Michael W. Smith album. We added a second drum set and both drummers were playing away at rehearsal this past Sunday. Brice just watched in amazement and I saw him start to sing with us. At once I smiled because I knew the words he was singing were not the actual lyrics of the song, but he was praisin' God through every one of them.

Here's some of the original lyrics to "Prepare Ye the Way":
Prepare ye the way, prepare ye the way of the Lord!

Yeshua, You reign on high, Almighty God, Your love is like no other!

Now here's Brice's version:
Prepare ye the way, prepare ye the way of the Lord!

Yes you are, you rain on my, a mighty God your love is in the oven!

Kind of catchy, isn't it?! Now let's hope I don't sing those lyrics this Sunday and completely freak the worship team out!

Here's a little bit of someone's video from the live recording of the song.

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."