Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I just spent the entire week in Austin, Texas at the National Worship Leader Conference. It was my first time going and I was so excited about the classes that were going to be offered and the worship concerts we would be attending. I had no idea what God had in store for me.

The classes were fantastic and God really got a hold of me about so many areas of my life and service to Him. I could spend several blogs on everything I learned (and I will elaborate later) but for now I am still trying to process it all.

The worship concerts were so refreshing. As soon as we got our registration packets I quickly dove into it to see what the schedule would be and when "Israel and the New Breed" would be leading worship. He is, after all, my FAVORITE! I think the conference staff knew this and therefore decided to place Israel on the last night. I had to be patient and wait. Hmmmmmm...that's a hard one for me! Little did I know that Tomlin, Redman, Baloche, Walker, Moen, Brewster, Cece, Gateway and so many more would be leading us in worship every night - it was UNBELIEVABLE. There is something about joining together with thousands of voices who, every Sunday, all over this country are being lead worshippers in their churches and sharing this vision of the ministry of music for our God. I will never forget it.

I have taken quite a few pictures, but lost my cable to download them. UNBELIEVABLE!!! So, until I get my cable, this post will have to do.

What was also great was to run into a couple of dear friends that I haven't seen in years. One in particular I will blog about later (when I can download my pics), but it was great to catch up and reconnect with those whom I got to know in seminary.

As for the details of the conference, one leader asked us not to share immediately what we learned, but to take everything home, pray on it and see what God would have us to do with it. That's where I am now.

However, just to give you a taste of one of my "favorite" parts:

The following videos were not from our conference, but I don't think I have ever jumped so much for the Lord!!!

This is one of my favorite worship songs right now!

The sound quality is not as good on this one, but it is another one of my favorites!

1 comment:

Kendra Haneline said...

OMG!!! Our worship pastor was there too, Jeff Renn. He said it was unbelievable. He was a little hyper on Sunday morning... I'm sure it was quite the downer after experiencing that the whole week & then coming home to a church who has a hard time letting loose in the Spirit. Glad you had a good time. I'll have to tell him... not that ya'll know each other at all, but that's kind of neat.

Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."