Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming"

I used the quote from Dori in "Finding Nemo" to start my blog today because Brice has started swimming lessons this week. So, it began like this:

Monday - Day 1 - Mommy takes the camera to get some pics of Brice's first swimming lesson, but instead ends up taking quite a bit of TUMS to help with the knots in her stomach from seeing her child in the pool with a stranger and no swimmies on his arms. There were a lot of gasps and OMG!'s but overall it was okay and Brice had a great time. He put his whole head in the water, VOLUNTARILY, for the first time. We've dunked him before in the pool, but this was different. He had to keep his eyes open while going under, and that's new for him.

Tuesday - Day 2 - Mommy ACTED more relaxed today and actually sat a good distance away from the pool (about 8 feet, lol), so as not to interfere and cause panic amongst the children even though she was still really nervous about this whole situation. Brice once again had a great time and wanted to play more than anything.

Wednesday - Day 3 - Mommy actually was relaxed today and decided to take some pics, when out of the blue the instructor changed their method and their tone a little today. Brice was now disciplined (no, not spanked!)when he didn't do as the instructor said. This was a little uncomfortable for Mommy at first, but she realized that sometimes you have to be firm to get your point across - especially with Brice. He didn't like being disciplined and began to do as he was told - and did quite well. Mommy finally did get some pics and will post them below.

Tommorrow ought to be interesting. . .

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Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."