Thursday, November 20, 2008

I almost missed it!

Has it been a month since I blogged? Wow. Time is flying by. This past Sunday we were at church early to get a few things done before our group prayer time and Brice headed straight for the stage. Billy was watching him, so I went to make a few copies that we needed for the service. As I came back in the main room, I heard and saw him singing his favorite song and playing the drums at the same time - "With long life, YOU will satisfy me, YOU will satisfy me....with long life!" I caught the end of it and I was shocked that he would sing in front of everyone (there were a few people in the room!)
His favorite songs are from Israel and New Breed, ofcourse, since Mommy listens to them a lot in the car :) He loves moving to the music and playing the drums or congas any chance he gets. I'm so glad I got to see and hear him doing that - it made my heart leap! Now why didn't I have my CAMERA?!

Speaking of Israel and New Breed.....I am so excited because a new album is coming out in March, called "The Power of One" - and here's the synopsis of the album from their post:

"The resounding theme of the project is about getting out and making a difference in your life of worship and in your community. One person can make a difference individually and when coupled with the efforts of others it brings change. Just do something. So forward on to all your friends and help us get the word out!"

Here's the video preview they posted with TobyMac - I can already hear Brice singing this one too!!!

Psalm 116:12-14

"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people."